Our Services: Assessment and Intervention

We accept referrals from Psychiatrists and other health professionals, parents, schools, Children’s Services, Solicitors and Case Managers. We offer direct therapeutic work and assessment and undertake expert witness work, in addition to assessments for access arrangements.

Our Services


Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and other specific Learning Difficulties.

Assessment and intervention for autism, ADHD, dyslexia and other difficulties with learning or behaviour. 

We can offer assessment for these difficulties using established assessments according to NICE guideline gold standards, for example using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule or Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children. Our assessments will be discussed with you and tailored to suit the needs of the individual child. Where appropriate we can draw on the expertise of colleagues in other fields to contribute to the assessments including psychiatrists and speech and language therapists.

Where children have been diagnosed with difficulties we can offer advice and intervention in order to support families, young people and schools help the young person manage their difficulties. We can provide reports that can be submitted in application of special arrangements during examinations and HEC Plans.


Brain Injury and Learning Disabilities

Assessment and Intervention with young people with acquired brain injury or learning and physical disabilities 

We are referring to acquired brain injury in the broadest sense to include epilepsy, following neurological illness, pre-term birth and traumatic brain injury. We can offer detailed assessment around a child or young person’s cognitive and emotional needs, for example following an accident, medical negligence or when a child has been born with disabilities. These assessments might focus on assessments can help form part of a care teams overall understanding of the young person or can be requested specifically to address questions which might be raised due to legal proceedings surrounding the child’s disabilities.

We can provide therapeutic intervention to both young people and their families, for example in the form of helping others understand and better manage a young person behaviour, supporting them to overcome emotional difficulties or in managing their cognitive difficulties. We can offer support to families to help them manage their own experience of their child’s difficulties and their own mental health and emotional issues using established interventions such as cognitive behavioural therapy.


Emotional or Behavioural

Intervention for children and young people who experience emotional or behavioural difficulties. 

We can work with young people and their families in order to help them overcome emotional difficulties such as anxiety, depression or difficulties with moderating emotions. We are skilled in the use of evidence-based interventions to help young people and can tailor these to meet the individual needs of the child.


Court and Legal Work

Assessment of a child and/or family’s needs in relation to their mental health difficulties, learning disability or parenting for the purpose of court proceedings. 

We are experienced in the assessment of the needs of children and families in relation to legal proceedings within the family, civil or criminal court. For example, we can undertake neuropsychological, mental health and parenting assessments or assessments of the parent child relationship.  Due to our experience with individuals with learning disabilities or brain injury we are also able to offer assessment to adults with these needs. We are able to offer assessments around a person conduct including sexually problematic behaviour.

Common referrals include:

  • Neuropsychological assessment of children and young people following acquired brain injury or neurological illnesses
  • Neurodevelopmental assessments including Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD / ADD)
  • Assessment of learning or developmental dificulties in relation to a young person's fitness to plea or understanding of the legal system
  • Assessment of school based difficulties including learning problems such as dyslexia and dyspraxia
  • Behaviour management where children have learning difficulties, developmental conditions or head injury
  • Assessment and intervention for anxiety and mood issues in children and young people.
  • Supporting children whose parent has sustained a head injury